Does banana melt quickly at home? So store it like this, it will remain fresh for a long time, know the tips

Does banana melt quickly at home?  So store it like this, it will remain fresh for a long time, know the tips

How To Preserve Banana: Banana is called the apple of the poor. Bananas are cheap and healthy too, hence people buy them easily, hence doctors recommend consuming bananas as a fruit every day. Banana contains many vitamins and minerals. These are very good for the body. Besides, the iron, fiber and oxidants present in it protect organs like kidney, digestive system and heart. However, a big problem with banana is that it starts rotting quickly, so if you are keeping bananas at home, then you have to finish it quickly.…

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Ripe bananas turn black overnight, so keep them fresh in this way in summer

Ripe bananas turn black overnight, so keep them fresh in this way in summer

Banana is such a fruit that eating it in any season is beneficial for health. Doctors or health experts often recommend eating it on an empty stomach in the morning. Especially in summer, people often like to eat bananas on an empty stomach. This is the reason why people buy dozens and keep them at home. But for your information, let us tell you that this one mistake can be very expensive. Because due to high temperature in summer, bananas turn black quickly and start melting. After which there is…

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