Relevance of Shiva and modern economics, know how to take knowledge of economics from Shiva?

Relevance of Shiva and modern economics, know how to take knowledge of economics from Shiva?

Four efforts and pillars of Sanatan Dharma have been mentioned – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. In Shiv Purana Vidyoshvara Samhita 25.68 (By seeing and touching him one soon attains the four pursuits of Dharma, Artha and Kama, Moksha). Let us know today through this article how to learn economics from Lord Shiva? According to Shiv Upasana issue (page number 149), Shiva is a supernatural element and on the other hand, economics is a new, secular and western science in modern form. But despite being different, there is a similarity…

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