health tips what is high cholesterol level in india read lipid guidelines

Cholesterol Level : Increase in cholesterol in the body is very dangerous. It can cause many serious problems. In the new guidelines issued regarding cholesterol, a level of more than 100 mg/dl has also been described as a danger signal. The Cardiological Society of India (CSI) has described dyslipidemia as a disease in which the cholesterol level in the blood increases. India’s first guideline has been issued to make people aware about this and to treat it. It provides information about cholesterol level, bad cholesterol, good cholesterol and triglycerides level…

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health tips which foods that increase bad cholesterol know the risk

High Cholesterol : Due to deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits, many dangers have arisen for health nowadays. One of these is high cholesterol. When the level of cholesterol in the body increases, it not only increases the risk of dangerous diseases, but can also be life threatening. Actually, bad cholesterol accumulates in blood veins and arteries and makes them narrow. This can cause a heart attack, which can also be fatal. According to experts, there are some things that can increase cholesterol tremendously. In such a situation, one should stay…

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health tips high cholesterol reduce best remedies in hindi

High Cholesterol : If your cholesterol is also high then do not take it lightly, because it can badly affect the health of the heart. There are two types of cholesterol in the body, bad and good. Good cholesterol is good for staying healthy but bad cholesterol brings many problems with it. It increases the risk of heart related diseases. If your bad cholesterol level is also increasing then you can control it with 5 easy measures. Let’s know… 1. Drink warm waterWhen bad cholesterol level increases, one should drink…

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