Brinjal is not a vegetable in the rain, make spicy pakoras, praise will come out of the mouth, the recipe is simple

Brinjal is not a vegetable in the rain, make spicy pakoras, praise will come out of the mouth, the recipe is simple

highlights In the rainy season, pakodas are often made and eaten in homes. Apart from potatoes and onions, you can also try brinjal fritters. Brinjal Pakoda Recipe: Everyone must have eaten brinjal vegetable many times, but have you ever tried brinjal pakoda. In the rainy season, pakoras are often made and eaten at home. Potato and onion fritters are very famous, but if you eat brinjal fritters this season, you will not be able to live without becoming crazy about its taste. Brinjal pakora is very tasty and it does…

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