Real vada-mangodi is available here! Disappears as soon as it comes out of the pan, taste remains intact for 30 years

Real vada-mangodi is available here!  Disappears as soon as it comes out of the pan, taste remains intact for 30 years

Sea. There is a popular saying in Bundelkhand that if one has not eaten Mangodi and Vada of Surkhi then one has not eaten Kachu. Vada-Mangodi of Surkhi is so famous that a shop with this name can be found at any intersection in the district, but the real shop is in Surkhi, located about 30 kilometers away from Sagar headquarters, where the taste has remained intact for the last 30 years. Here the booking is done as soon as the Vada or Mangodi falls in the pan. People buy…

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