Make crispy and spicy poha papad today… No hassle of lighting the gas, no waiting for hours, know the right way to make it

No Cooking Poha Papad Recipe: Whether it is roti-sabzi or dal rice, if you get papad and pickle with it, then what can be said… some people cannot eat food without papad. This is true because papad increases the taste of your food many times. You must have eaten many types of papad. But have you ever eaten poha papad? Yes, the same poha which you like to eat for breakfast. With this poha, you can make such delicious papads, which are ready in no time. Let us tell you…

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Without oil, papad and chips will be fried in minutes, try this unique trick, this video of a famous chef will surprise you.

Papad Without Oil: Often, whenever food items like Khichdi, Tehri are prepared at home, people like to eat papad and chips fried in oil. If there is papad with khichdi, the taste increases double. Many times people eat papad and potato chips fried in lots of oil as snacks along with tea in the evening. However, eating things fried in excess oil has a bad effect on overall health. In such a situation, have you ever wondered how we can eat papad by frying it without frying it in oil?…

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