Makes bones as strong as an elephant…blood sugar also remains under control, this superfood is no less than nectar

Koderma: Bones start getting weak as age increases. Bones do not get the right amount of calcium. We can fulfill the necessary calcium requirement of the body by including some food in our diet. Dr. Prabhat Kumar, Ayurvedic doctor of AYUSH department located in Koderma Sadar Hospital campus has given important information regarding this. Balanced diet is very important to keep the body healthyIn a special conversation with Local 18, he told that it is very important to have a balanced diet for a healthy body. We should include such…

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Poppy Seed: You will be surprised by the benefits of poppy seeds, this is a panacea for bones.

Most people are troubled by weak bones, in such cases people consume medicines and powders. But taking excessive medicines can harm the body. Today we will tell you about one such thing, which by eating daily, you can easily strengthen your bones. Let us know about him. Benefits of poppy seeds We are talking about poppy seeds. Apart from being delicious, poppy seeds are also considered very beneficial for health. It has been considered a panacea for bones. Poppy seeds contain high amount of calcium, which helps in strengthening bones…

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Women often suffer from back pain in winter, know the reason behind it.

Women are very troubled by bone pain and joint pain. Vitamins and minerals to avoid this. In such a situation, you need to take great care of your health. To strengthen the bones, include such essential nutrients in the diet, so that the bones remain healthy for a long time. To strengthen bones, not only calcium but also many other vitamins and nutrients are required. Women must include these vitamins in their diet.  Essential vitamins to get relief from joint pain  Calcium A major problem of pain in the bones…

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Know Why Bone Became Weak Before Age Know Its Symptoms And How To Make Bones Healthy

Weak Bones: Bones health is very important to keep the body strong and stable. If seen, bones are the real strength of our body, but bones remain strong only for a certain age. With increasing age, bones start wearing out and becoming weak. But in today’s lifestyle, people’s bones are becoming weak and wearing out before age. In such a situation, cases of bone and joint related problems like osteoporosis are increasing rapidly. According to the American Orthopedic Association, due to wrong lifestyle, unbalanced diet and reduced physical activities, nowadays…

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Arthritis Warning Signs Of Arthritis In Your Joint

Arthritis Signs: Most of the people are facing the problem of arthritis and joint pain. It can happen at any age. However, some people may be at higher risk than others. According to the Mayo Clinic, older adults, those with a family history of arthritis, previous joint injury and/or obesity may be some of the major risk factors for the condition. The Arthritis Foundation lists the most common warning signs of arthritis. persistent painJoint pain is usually a common symptom of arthritis. According to the Foundation, arthritis pain can be…

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Chinese Exercise Tai Chi Have Several Health Benefits

Benefits of Tai Chi: There is a belief in the minds of all of us Indians about Chinese items that Chinese items do not last long or are not durable. Regarding Chinese items, you must have heard many people saying that ‘Chale to Raat Tak, Varna Chand Tak’. To a large extent this saying is also true. Many times you bring a toy or other item for your children from the market, then it gets spoiled from morning till evening or does not work well. Chinese items may be useless,…

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