health tips how many types of cancer are caused by hpv human papilloma virus

health tips how many types of cancer are caused by hpv human papilloma virus

HPV Causes Cancer : Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. After heart diseases, it is the second most deadly disease. According to WHO, cancer kills about 1 crore people every year. This means that every 6th death in the world is due to cancer. According to the World Health Organization, about 95% of cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). However, it can also cause many other types of cancer. In such a situation, let us know what is this HPV and how many…

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Know against which disease HPV vaccine is given, why it is in discussion these days

Know against which disease HPV vaccine is given, why it is in discussion these days

HPV Vaccine: While presenting the interim budget on February 1, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced free cervical cancer vaccine for girls aged between 9 to 14 years, the very next day fake news came that actress and model Poonam Pandey had died due to cervical cancer. Died of cervical cancer. Since then the HPV vaccine has remained in the news. A lot of questions are coming up regarding this. In such a situation, let us know what is this HPV vaccine and what benefits can be obtained from it… HPV…

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Cervical Cancer What Is Human Papillomavirus Infection HPV Know 10 Facts

Cervical Cancer What Is Human Papillomavirus Infection HPV Know 10 Facts

Human Papillomavirus Infection: Cervical cancer is the second most dangerous cancer affecting women in India. There are maximum patients of this cancer in the country. Every year around 1.25 lakh women are treated for cervical cancer. Not only this, more than 75 thousand people die in India due to this terrible disease. A large part of people suffering from cervical cancer i.e. more than 95% is due to Human Papillomavirus. According to a news channel, Dr. Gautam Wankhede, Director of Medical Affairs, Mylab Discovery Solutions, has given 10 facts about…

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Cervical Cancer Scheduled To Become Available Next Year For Girls In The Age Group Of 9 To 14 Years

Cervical Cancer Scheduled To Become Available Next Year For Girls In The Age Group Of 9 To 14 Years

Cervical Cancer: Cervical cancer has become a big problem for women nowadays. In this difficult time, the Government of India has taken an important step in this field. By April-May of 2023, the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine will be made available to girls aged 9-14 years. This nationwide vaccination campaign will be started in the year 2023. In a special conversation with The Indian Express, Dr. NK Arora, Chairman of the National Technical Advisory Group on Vaccination (NTAGI), said that there is political commitment at the highest level. That’s why…

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