There are no rivers in these countries, know where people here get water from

Everyone on earth, be it human or animal, needs oxygen and water to survive. No person can survive without oxygen and water. But do you know that there are many countries around the world where there is not a single river or lake. Today we will tell you from where the people living in such places get water.   Water Water is an important part of life, life cannot be imagined without it. But there are many countries where there is not a single natural river. The people living in…

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Whoever has bought a plot on the moon, can he build a house there? How possible is this according to science?

Have you also bought land on the moon or are you planning to buy it? Today it is possible to reach the moon. But the question is that reaching the moon is possible, but is it so easy to build a house on the moon?  Today we will tell you that those who claim to buy land on the moon or dream of buying land. Will they be able to build a house on the moon?  Land on the moon You must have read many times in the news that…

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These animals are the most dangerous for humans so many people die every year due to mosquito bites

There are millions of species of animals around the world. Some of these animals live with humans in their homes. Some animals are so dangerous that if a human comes in front of them, the animals can kill him. Today we will tell you which animal is most dangerous for humans and attacks and kills them the most. dangerous animals Snake is considered the most dangerous and poisonous animal. If a person does not get timely treatment after a snake bite, then the person may even die. But the question…

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Ants Smell: Can humans identify ants by smell? Expert told the science behind it

Ants are known for their small size and fast attack. But do you know that humans can identify ants by smelling them. Today we will tell you how humans can smell ants? After all, what has been revealed in the research regarding the smell of ants.  Ants The question is, how many types of ants are there? Most people will answer this question that there are two types of ants. The first are red ants and the second are black ants. But in reality there are thousands of species of…

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Do you also like to smell your partner’s clothes? Know the science behind it

Many times people have a habit of smelling the clothes after they have dried. Even in most households, partners smell each other’s clothes. We consider this habit to be a very common habit, but it is not a normal habit. Today we will tell you why most of the people smell their partner’s clothes and what is the reason behind it.  Sniffing clothes Most of the houses People smell their own or partner’s clothes. Even after washing clothes, many times people try to smell the cloth to know whether it…

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Sleeping Under Tree: A person can die by sleeping under this tree, know the reason behind this

People in the village still sleep in the open outside their houses. Some people also place their cots under trees to sleep. But do you know that there is a tree under which sleeping can kill you. Today we will tell you that sleeping under which tree is considered the most dangerous.  Sleeping under a tree is dangerous In most of the villages of India, People know that sleeping under trees at night is dangerous. That is why even if someone goes to sleep at night to look after the…

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Body Parts: A person can live without these body parts, these parts are not necessary

Each organ has its own need and place in the body. Like there are many bones including lungs, kidney, spleen, appendix. But do you know that there are many such organs in your body, without which a person can live. These are extra parts of the body. Today we will tell you which organs in the body you can live without.  These organs are extra Many organs in the body are extra or You can say that he does not have any important work. According to BBC Life, if you…

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How Oxygen Reach Brain: How oxygen reaches from one corner to another in the brain, scientist researched and explained the reason for this.

The human body is made up of many interconnected systems. Everyone works together for the body. There are other systems including the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system and musculoskeletal system. But do you know how oxygen travels in the brain? Actually scientists have done research on it. Today we will tell you about it.  Oxygen in the brain  The human brain functions entirely on the energy generated and it Depends on oxygen. However, how oxygen is distributed in the brain still remains a mystery. At the same…

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elephant itself performs the last rites of its children it does this work after their death

Like humans, animals also perform the last rites of their loved ones when they die. Today we are going to tell you about the elephant, which performs the last rites of its beloved companion or child when it dies. Yes, it may sound a bit strange, but elephants also perform the last rites of their children and mates. Not only this, elephants also cry at the funeral. Know how elephants perform the last rites of their child. elephants cry Like humans, elephants also cry at the funeral of their child.…

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Those who eat curd daily should know this, curd causes harm to these people

  Most people eat curd daily during the summer season. Curd removes many problems like fatigue, weakness, sweating and skin problems, especially during the summer season. During the summer season, people often include those things in their diet which have cooling effect. This provides coolness to the body, but do you know that curd is very harmful for some people.  Curd has many properties Let us tell you that very beneficial elements including protein, carbohydrate, potassium, phosphorus, sugar, calcium, iron magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin A…

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