How do some people suddenly become alive after death know the reason

How do some people suddenly become alive after death know the reason

You must have heard from the elders in the news that many people suddenly get alive after death. Not only this, many people get alive some time before the funeral. Now the question is, how is it possible that a person can be alive after death. Today we will tell you the science behind it. How are people alive after death? Now the question is, how can any person be alive after death? Science says about this. However, in such a situation, it is often said that the person who…

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First bird flu death reported in the America know the symptoms and causes

First bird flu death reported in the America know the symptoms and causes

A shocking news has come to light regarding bird flu in Louisiana, America. Actually, a 65 year old man has died due to this flu here. A few days ago, this patient was admitted to the hospital of Mid South State. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has described this as the first case of H5N1 virus spreading in humans. Bird flu is spreading very fast in America these days. Louisiana health authorities said in a statement announcing the death that the risk among the general public…

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Why does body odor start coming after death Know how fast changes happen

Why does body odor start coming after death Know how fast changes happen

There are many mysterious things on earth. Which man has not been able to solve till date. One of these is birth and death. A lot of research has been done by scientists regarding birth and death. But no report has been able to satisfy man. Today we will tell you about the changes that happen in the body after death, which also includes body odor. death of a human being One of the unsolved mysteries of the world is death. After a person’s death, you must have often heard…

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