Crows are as smart as human children know how their brain works

Crows are as smart as human children know how their brain works

There are millions of species of animals found on earth. All animals have different qualities. Among them, crow is also a bird whose brain is very sharp. Yes, crows are easily seen around houses. But have you ever wondered how sharp the brain of a crow is? Today we will tell you about the brain of a crow. Crow Crow is a bird that is easily seen by common people in homes, offices and outside. Sometimes they sit on the roof of the house, sometimes they make noise on the…

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than-6000-thoughts-come-in-human-mind-everyday-80-percent-are-negative | So many thousand thoughts come to the human mind in a day, so many percentage of them are negative.

than-6000-thoughts-come-in-human-mind-everyday-80-percent-are-negative |  So many thousand thoughts come to the human mind in a day, so many percentage of them are negative.

The human brain is very mysterious, even scientists have not done complete research on it till now. It is the brain with the help of which a person can do everything. It is a miracle of the mind that even after suffering complete body paralysis, Stephen Hawking did not give up. According to science, humans know using only 10 percent of their brain. But have you thought how much a person thinks in a day? How many thoughts come to his mind. Let us know the complete news. More than…

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