Despite Taking 8 Hours Of Sleep Sleep Comes During The Day Are You A Victim Of Hypersomnia

Despite Taking 8 Hours Of Sleep Sleep Comes During The Day Are You A Victim Of Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia Issue: It is said that for good health one should get enough sleep. That’s why 8 hours of sleep is very important. But there are some people who, despite getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep, keep on taking naps during the day. As soon as he gets a chance, he does not leave any chance to sleep. Actually such people suffer from such a disease in which the person feels sleepy throughout the day. The name of this disease is hypersomnia, which is also called hypersomnia. People with…

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Sleeping Disorder: What is this disease! Once you get it, you will keep sleeping during the day even after sleeping a lot at night.

Sleeping Disorder: What is this disease!  Once you get it, you will keep sleeping during the day even after sleeping a lot at night.

Sound Sleep: Healthy sleep is a sign of a healthy person. If sleeping irregularly then it is not good for your health. If you stay in this situation for a long time, slowly other diseases related to lifestyle will surround you. But do you know about one such disease related to sleep. Doctors say that once someone has this disease, then after getting full sleep at night, he will continue to sleep during the day. Many such symptoms will emerge. Due to which the personal life of the patient also…

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