Maulana Sufiyan Nizami Spokesperson Darul Uloom Faranimahali on SIT report on Madarsas in UP | Madrassas in UP: Maulan Sufian Nizami said on the recommendation to close 13 thousand madrassas

Maulana Sufiyan Nizami Spokesperson Darul Uloom Faranimahali on SIT report on Madarsas in UP |  Madrassas in UP: Maulan Sufian Nizami said on the recommendation to close 13 thousand madrassas

Darul Uloom Faranimahali on SIT Report: The stir has increased after the report submitted by the SIT investigating illegal madrassas recommended the closure of about 13 thousand madrassas. Darul Uloom Farangi Mahal spokesperson Maulana Sufiyan Nizami has given his reaction regarding this. He has termed the funding of madrassas from Gulf countries as wrong. Releasing a video, Maulana Sufiyan Nizami said, β€œMadrassas Islamia are making efforts on a large scale to remove the plight of this country. As far as the source of income of these madrassas is concerned, it…

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