Change will be changed, now fetus will be ready in the lab

Change will be changed, now fetus will be ready in the lab

Due to poor catering and modern lifestyle, the problem of infertility has become common nowadays. But like other countries, there are many ways in addition to IVF to get rid of such problems in India too. Through which couples are producing their children. The development of medical science in the reproductive field is no less than a boon for such couples. & Nbsp; Now in this area, the scientist has discovered another new method through which they can produce their own children. & Nbsp; Yes, children can also be born…

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Now eggs and sperm will be made easily in the lab! Parents can become at any age

Now eggs and sperm will be made easily in the lab! Parents can become at any age

Reproductive systems of women and men are required to produce a child. As you know when a man’s sperm is found with a woman’s eggs, the fetus is formed. But today’s bad lifestyle and food have a direct impact on the furnace of men and women. According to a report by Britain’s Human Fertilization and Embracity Authority (HFEA), now the technology to make eggs and sperm is being made easily in the lab. Through which children will be born easily by making sperm and eggs in the lab in the…

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