Independence Day 2024 NSG SPG NIA Traffic and police jawans deployed for Delhi Security See Photos ANN

Independence Day 2024 NSG SPG NIA Traffic and police jawans deployed for Delhi Security See Photos ANN

Security agencies are on high alert in the capital Delhi in view of Independence Day. Commando squads have taken charge of security at more than a dozen places. Delhi Police and paramilitary force personnel have completely turned the capital into a fortress. The security system of Delhi has become impenetrable from land, water and sky. Special Parakram vehicles equipped with commando squads have also been deployed on the roads of Delhi. NSG and paramilitary forces have been deployed around the main venue of the ceremony, Red Fort. Today from 7…

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Bangladesh China and Nepal India relations may deteriorate Big prediction from India horoscope on Independence Day

Bangladesh China and Nepal India relations may deteriorate Big prediction from India horoscope on Independence Day

Politics Predictions 2024: India’s Independence Day is celebrated on 15 August (Independence Day 2024). According to astrology, what kind of conditions will be seen in the country in the next one year. A lot can be understood about this from India’s horoscope. According to the year’s Lagna, there may be domestic discord in some places in India and capitalists may have more power. The crops in the country will be in danger from insects, rats, locusts, etc. People of India will be seen eager to go abroad. There will be…

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