107 Indians are contesting in the British general elections see how the voting and counting is done | How many Indians are there among the leaders of Britain? You will also say this after seeing the list

Voting is going on for the general elections in Britain today i.e. on 4th July. Many Indians are participating in the elections in Britain this year. In such a situation, along with Britain, India is also keeping an eye on British politics. Today we will tell you how many Indian leaders are contesting elections in Britain this time. uk general election Let us tell you that voting is being held today i.e. on 4th July for the UK general elections. It is worth noting that since 2022, the power of…

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People of India can travel to these countries of the world by their own car, know how far is each country

Who doesn’t like to travel? Most people dream of traveling abroad along with traveling in their country. In the last few years, the craze of road trips has increased rapidly. Today we will tell you which countries you can go on a road trip to from India and what is their distance. Know which are the countries closest to India.   Road trip to a foreign country Indian people often dream of traveling abroad along with traveling in the country. You must have seen on social media that the craze…

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What is blood money? By paying which Kerala nurse Nimisha Priya, who is imprisoned in Yemen, can be released

Preparations are underway to release Kerala nurse Nimisha Priya, who is imprisoned in Yemen. For this, the Indian government has approved blood money i.e. money transfer in relation to her release. Let us tell you that nurse Nimisha Priya is being released in exchange for blood money. But do you know what this blood money is and when it is used. Today we will tell you when blood money is used in Yemen.  Blood Money  Let us tell you that Islam has been declared the state religion in the constitution…

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Why are most of the Hajj pilgrims from Egypt dying in Mecca? Understand the reason behind this

This year, there is severe heat all over the world including India. At the same time, the number of people dying during Haj pilgrimage in Mecca is continuously increasing. According to the information, the number of people dying during Haj in Mecca has now crossed 900. Most of the people who died are from Egypt. Today we will tell you why more deaths have occurred among Egyptians. Death of Haj Pilgrims According to the information, Haj Pilgrims are dying in Saudi Arabia due to extreme heat and lack of good…

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Kuwait: Why do people from India go to Kuwait to work, this is the total population

40 Indians died and 30 others are injured in a fire in a building in Mangaf, southern Kuwait. According to information, after the fire, the rescue team has rescued 90 Indians. But do you know why Indian citizens go to Kuwait for treatment and how much salary and facilities they get there. Kuwait Today Kuwait is being mentioned all over the world. Because 40 Indians have died due to a fire in a building in Ahmadi province of Kuwait, while 30 others are injured, whose treatment is going on. Let…

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Obesity is illegal in Japan there is punishment for being obese

The laws are different in all the countries of the world. But many countries also have some strange laws. Today we are going to tell you about a law under which if a person’s weight increases, he is given strict punishment. Today we will tell you in which country gaining weight is considered illegal and what punishment is given for it. being fat is a crime It is common for obesity to increase in the body. But in Japan, obesity is considered illegal. Not only this, one is also punished…

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Non-invasive heart surgery of a dog was done in a Delhi hospital, this medical miracle happened for the first time in India

Dr Bhanu Sharma, small animal interventional cardiologist at Max Petz Hospital, East of Kailash, said on Sunday that the 7-year-old dog, named Juliet, a beagle, was suffering from mitral valve disease for the past two years. The condition begins in animals when there are internal changes in the mitral valve leaflets. Due to which blockages start occurring in the left side of the heart but after this surgery, the blood circulation inside the heart is restored. If this disease is not treated in time, there may be a possibility of…

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Potato or something else Which vegetable do most people eat in India

Different vegetables are prepared every day in Indian kitchen. But which vegetable do Indians eat the most? Dozens of vegetables including paneer, ladyfinger, potatoes, tomatoes are prepared in the kitchen throughout the year. But do you know which of these vegetables do Indians eat the most? Today we will tell you which vegetable Indians eat more throughout the year. indian vegetables There are most vegetables in India. Sometimes green vegetables are prepared in the Indian kitchen, which include ladyfinger, bottle gourd, parwal, cabbage, bitter gourd, banana, pea vegetable and sometimes…

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Who wore bra first in India, how did it enter the country?

We often use many such things in everyday life, which have a long and ancient history. Not only this, we use many such things every day, whose full names we do not even know. One such bra is used every day in women’s life. This is a part of the normal life of women, but many people do not even know about it. Today we will tell you its history and when it was first used in India.  History of Bra Let us tell you that the history of bra…

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In which country around the world mosquitoes are not found what is the reason behind this

As the heat increases, the terror of mosquitoes also increases. People use many chemicals in every house to protect themselves from mosquitoes. But do you know that there is a country where mosquitoes are not found. Yes, mosquitoes are not found in this country and even scientists are surprised by this. Know which is the country where mosquitoes are not found. Mosquito People all over the world are troubled by mosquitoes. Because mosquito bites cause many serious diseases including malaria. Not only this, every year about 10 lakh people lose…

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