Corona Restrictions Many Countries Imposed Covid Curbs On People Coming From China

Corona Restrictions Many Countries Imposed Covid Curbs On People Coming From China

Corona Restrictions: The situation has become very frightening due to the arrival of the new wave of Corona in China. Millions of infected patients are being seen every day. It is also being told that a large number of people are also dying, but China is trying to hide the figures. There are long queues of patients in the hospitals too. Due to the spread of Corona in China, the pace of infection which has slowed down in many countries has once again increased. In such a situation, the governments…

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COVID Update: Less than 1,000 cases of corona being registered since last 5 days, improvement seen in vaccine takers

COVID Update: Less than 1,000 cases of corona being registered since last 5 days, improvement seen in vaccine takers

Corona Cases in India: The havoc of Corona infection in India is not yet completely over. In the last 24 hours, 635 new cases of Kovid were reported in the country and 11  infected people lost their lives. Now the total number of corona infected has increased to 4 crore 46 lakh 67 thousand 311. In the last 24 hours, more than one thousand people have been cured. With this, the number of corona active patients decreased from 7 thousand 561 to 7 thousand 175.       So far…

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