Britain patients get treatment in India 10 times more British to come for treatment this year know the reason

The country which was once India’s disease is now looking towards India with hope for its patients. Here we are talking about Great Britain. This year, about 12 thousand Englishmen from Britain are going to come to India for their treatment. So far, about 3 thousand patients from Britain have reached India for their treatment. This figure is increasing every year. This year, 10 times more English people are going to come to India than last year. Last year only 1200 Britons came to India for treatment. This figure is…

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Who was the country’s first female doctor, do you know her name?

In India, professions like doctor, engineer, lawyer are considered very good. In which the profession of doctor is considered the best. Doctors are called God on earth. Which saves the patient even from the jaws of death. This is the reason why every household dreams of becoming a doctor. In this field, women also participate well along with men. However, very few people know who was the first female doctor in India. So if you don’t know then let us know today. She was the first female doctorLet us tell…

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