Lok Sabha election 2024 people learned politics from Vedas know Vedas say about a skilled Indian politician

Lok Sabha election 2024 people learned politics from Vedas know Vedas say about a skilled Indian politician

Vedas: Vedas are the ancient scriptures of the entire human civilization. Vedas taught man to be a skilled politician. Because these days the time of elections (Parliamentary Election 2024) is going on, hence we will know what has been said in the Vedas about politics, democracy and voting. Tvam ha tyadindra sapta yudhyan puro vajrin purukutsaya dardah.बारहिर्न यत सुदासे वर्था वर्गहो राजन वरिवः पूर्वे कह॥ (Rigveda 1.63.7) O king endowed with excellent scriptures! Lord of the assembly who gives bright victory! Because you behave lovingly with the assembly, the councillors,…

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