Indian students are given Full Bright Nehru Fellowship and SN Bose ScholarShip by the government to go abroad after 12th.

Indian students are given Full Bright Nehru Fellowship and SN Bose ScholarShip by the government to go abroad after 12th.

Apart from cross disciplinary studies, international institutes and colleges provide world class facilities to the students. Promising students also get invitations to study from America, Europe and many developed countries, but due to lack of money they are not able to take advantage of it. Some are deprived of these benefits due to money and some are defeated due to lack of knowledge. Today we will tell you in depth about the scholarships available from the government after 12th, with the help of which you can go to study abroad…

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Most foreign students come to study in this state of India All India Survey for Higher Education

Most foreign students come to study in this state of India All India Survey for Higher Education

India is now progressing in every field. Be it technology, trade, defense or education, India is doing better in every field. Especially in the matter of higher education, Indian institutions are now attracting students from the country as well as foreign students. Let us tell you in which state of India most foreign students come to study every year. In which state most foreign students study Data from the All India Survey for Higher Education 2021-22 shows that the highest number of foreign students in India study in Karnataka. The…

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