know right time to have dinner otherwise a little delay can causes stomach diseases

know right time to have dinner otherwise a little delay can causes stomach diseases

Nowadays, due to having a job, a lot of change is being seen in the daily routine of the people. Most of the people are there who do night shift. Or there are some people who work morning shift but are late in eating food. In some houses, women work, due to which they come home in the evening and cook food. Due to this, it takes a lot of time to prepare and eat food. Due to this happening every day, diseases start occurring. Eating late can have dangerous…

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Be careful before eating these things in winter, because it may take double the time to digest them.

Be careful before eating these things in winter, because it may take double the time to digest them.

Food Not Good For Digestion: During the winter season, it is fun to get hot food while sitting under a quilt. During this period, people’s diet also increases and people like to eat different types of things. But do you know that there are some food items which take double the time to digest in winter. Yes, your body has to work twice as hard to digest these food items and this also has a bad effect on your digestive system. So let us tell you about such food items…

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Symptoms And Home Remedies For Worm Infection In Children

Symptoms And Home Remedies For Worm Infection In Children

Worm Infection In Kids: Often children have the problem of having worms in their stomach. This infection is called soil transmitted helminth. Because mostly this problem reaches the children’s body through the soil. Because of this, the child has irritability and physical weakness due to abdominal pain. But many times parents do not understand why this is happening, so let us tell you what are the symptoms of worms in the stomach of children and what can be the home remedies for it. Symptoms of worms in the stomach of…

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When You Drink Excessive Amounts Of Water Effects On Brain And Body Sodium Lavel

When You Drink Excessive Amounts Of Water Effects On Brain And Body Sodium Lavel

Half of the human body is made up of water. This is the reason why doctors always ask to drink more and more water. This is the reason why we feel thirsty. By drinking water, the temperature of our body remains under control and there is no problem of dehydration. Dieticians or health experts always recommend that three liters of water should be drunk throughout the day. However, it should also be kept in mind that drinking too much water can also harm your health. That’s why it is also…

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Standing or sitting… know what is the right way to drink water, this should be the position

Standing or sitting… know what is the right way to drink water, this should be the position

Water is very important for our body. Water keeps the body healthy and away from many diseases. A healthy person should drink 8 to 10 glasses  or 2 liters of water every day. Water helps flush out bacteria from the bladder. Along with this, it also plays an important role in carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells. There are many benefits of drinking water. But, if water is not consumed properly and on time, then the body does not get its benefits in full. Today, through this article, know…

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