What Is The Use Of Steering Wheel In Train Engine Know How Train Take Turn

Steering Wheel In Train: There are many curiosities related to railways and trains in the minds of people. As soon as they see something different, the curiosity to know about it awakens in the mind. If you have ever peeped inside the engine of a train, then you must have seen a steering wheel there as well. Now after seeing this wheel, most of the people would think that it would be useful for turning the train. But it is not so, the work of turning the train is done…

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What Is Home Signal Indicator Know How Does The Train Driver Know Which Is The Right Way

Indian Railways: While traveling by train, looking at the railway track, a question may also come in your mind that how does the driver of the train know which route is the right one. How does he know at a station which of the different tracks going on the same line to take the train? Let us know that when there are many tracks at a station, how does the loco pilot know which way he has to take the train. Railway itself has given information about this. How to…

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Why Goods Train Is Longer Than Other Trains Know The Truth Here Interesting Facts About Railway

Goods Trains Length Fact: Indian Railways is the main mode of transport on earth in the country. Due to this, lakhs of passengers travel daily. Mainly two types of trains are seen in railways. First are passenger trains and second are goods trains. Passenger trains have a maximum of 24 coaches. Whereas, there are 40 to 58 coaches in the goods train. Generally people find goods train longer than passenger train. They believe that due to having more coaches in it, they are longer than passenger trains. Does this really…

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What Is The Use Of Wooden Block Between Platform And Track On Railway Station Interesting Facts About Railway

Wooden Block On Platform: Perhaps you too must have traveled sometime or the other by the Indian Railways, which is called the lifeline of the country. Everyone knows that we have to go to the station to catch the train. One has to go to the station and buy the ticket and then wait for the train to arrive on the platform. Often you must have seen at the station that when going to the other side of the platform, many people cross the tracks only after getting down from…

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Why Is The Train Sometimes Stopped At Outer Before Reaching The Station Know The Reason Behind This

Train On Outer: Sometimes it happens that as soon as the train is about to reach the station, it is stopped at the outer. Sometimes the train is kept standing here for one, two hours or more. Many times the passengers get so upset that they start arguing with the driver. But, they probably do not know that the driver is not responsible for stopping the train at the outer. First of all, it is important to know that the driver of the train cannot run the train at his…

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Haunted Railway Stations Kf India These Are Considered Ghostly Interesting Facts About Railway

Railway Stations India: Indian Railways is the fourth largest rail network in the world, so there are thousands of railway stations in the country. Whereas, some railway stations are so magnificent that they are counted among the World Class Railway Stations. At the same time, there are some railway stations which are still famous as haunted railway stations (Most Haunted Railway Stations In India). Today we will tell you about some such railway stations about which many shocking stories are prevalent. Begunkodar Railway Station, West Bengal Begunkodar railway station located…

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General Ticket Validity Catching A Train After Three Hours Of Taking A General Ticket Can Land You In Trouble Indian Railway Rules

Railway General Ticket Validity: Indian Railways transports lakhs of passengers daily to their destinations at reasonable fares through its 68 thousand kilometer long and world’s fourth largest rail network. You too must be taking advantage of the service of Indian Railways. Many people prefer to travel by booking seats, while some travel by taking general bogie tickets. Generally, when the journey is of short distance, people travel only by taking general ticket. But there is also a rule of the Railways regarding the General Ticket, about which even the people…

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Can it ever happen that the train slips off the track?… Know what is the answer

Indian Railways: Indian Railways is one of the largest rail networks in the world. In this network of about 68,103 km long, railway tracks are laid in every corner of the country. 13,523 trains run on it daily. In which many super fast passenger trains including slow speed goods trains are also included. The train always runs on the tracks. On these small tracks, these trains carry loads of several tonnes and run at high speed. But, have you ever thought that due to which the train running with so…

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