International Yoga Day 2024: Yoga is India’s invaluable gift to the world. India has given a lot to the world in the field of yoga, which has brought positive changes in the lives of people all over the world. The entire credit for this goes to those great and famous gurus of India, due to whom the benefits of yoga and its importance got recognition all over the world. Yoga is said to be the ancient discipline of India. Yoga plays an important role in keeping a person healthy, fit…
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International Yoga Day 2024 June 21 importance and relation of yoga and buddhism
International Yoga Day 2024: Yoga is a gift of ancient India. It is said to be the oldest discipline of India. But it is mentioned in different ways in different religions and sects. It is said about yoga that, whoever gets connected to yoga, gets rid of diseases. Due to the utility and health benefits of yoga, it has gained recognition all over the world. Therefore, every year on 21st June, International Yoga Day is celebrated all over the world including India. The special thing is that the celebration of…
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