Online boyfriend made on Tinder duped a woman of Rs 4.5 lakh, the method was such that it was difficult to doubt

Online boyfriend made on Tinder duped a woman of Rs 4.5 lakh, the method was such that it was difficult to doubt

Tinder Scam: Online or digital scams are on the rise. Cyber ​​thugs are targeting people in such ways that initially doubting these methods seems completely stupid and the person understands that he is thinking too much. A surprising scam has come to the fore in the meanwhile. In fact, a Bengaluru-based woman was duped by her online boyfriend and became invisible after taking Rs 4.5 lakh from her account. How did the fraud happen? According to the Indian Express report, a 37-year-old woman working in a private firm in Bengaluru…

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Most Common Passwords Used By People Across The Globe Change Your Password If Same

Most Common Passwords Used By People Across The Globe Change Your Password If Same

Most Common Password: In olden times, people used to use locks and keys to protect the goods kept inside the box from others. Now is the digital age and people use passwords to keep their details safe instead of locks and keys. All of you will also have many accounts whose passwords you must have created according to your convenience. Be it a bank account, social media account, office login or school digital account, people keep passwords to keep them all secure. Some people keep the password in such a…

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In The Name Of Iphone Delhi Person Lose 29 Lakh Rupee Through Instagram

In The Name Of Iphone Delhi Person Lose 29 Lakh Rupee Through Instagram

Online Fraud through Social Media: Shopping from well-known e-commerce websites is considered safe and secure. But nowadays people are also shopping through social media apps. Actually, there are many groups and pages on Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram etc. where clothes, gadgets and other items are listed and people buy their favorite items from here. Some pages and groups are really good but there are some who are fooling people. If you have these four major social media apps installed in your phone too, then definitely read this article. The…

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