Do you also use your smartphone for hours at night Then you may also face these damages know full details

Do you also use your smartphone for hours at night Then you may also face these damages know full details

If you are also addicted to using your smartphone at night, then it is important to know how harmful it can be for your health. Using a smartphone at night affects your sleep due to the blue light emitted from its screen. This light prevents the production of a hormone called melatonin, which is responsible for good sleep. Due to this, sleep is not complete and the next day feels tired. Looking at a smartphone in the dark for a long time increases the strain on the eyes. Due to…

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Apple In Canada To Start Paying Compensation To Some IPhone Users Here Is Why And What Amount To Each User

Apple In Canada To Start Paying Compensation To Some IPhone Users Here Is Why And What Amount To Each User

Apple paying compensation: Some iPhone users in Canada had complained in the court about the sudden slow down of their iPhone. A case was filed against Apple regarding this. However, Apple has denied this allegation in the court. Along with this, the company has said that this matter will be closed by giving some compensation. Apple has promised to pay compensation of $14.4 million. However, the court has not yet approved it or given its final decision. If the court approves the compensation amount, the company will pay money to…

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