Best Smartphones: Samsung launched the Galaxy S23 series some time back. Under this, the company launched three smartphones. The first is the Samsung Galaxy S23, the second is the Galaxy S23 Plus and the third is the Galaxy S23 Ultra. This premium series starts from Rs.75,000 and goes up to Rs.1,55,000. However, not everyone can buy these smartphones by paying such a huge amount. If you are also a person who wants to enjoy the features and features of the flagship phone in less money, then we are going to…
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IQOO Neo 7 5G Price and Specifications Leaked Ahead of Launch Know Every Minor Detail of IQoo Neo 7
iQOO Neo 7 5G: iQOO Neo 7 5G can be launched in India on 16 February. The company launched iQOO Neo 7 SE in China last year. Now IQ is about to launch the rebranded version of this phone in India soon. Meanwhile, before the launch of the mobile phone, its price has been revealed by a tipster. iQOO Neo 7 base variant 8GB+128GB might cost ₹26,999 including offers. — Abhishek Yadav (@yabhishekhd) February 12, 2023 the price can be Tipster Abhishek Yadav has shared this via Twitter that…
Read MoreXiaomi 13 IQOO 11 And IQOO Neo 7 Launch Event Canceled New Launching Date Know Here
Xiaomi And IQOO Launch Cancelled: Well-known smartphone giants Xiaomi and iQOO informed their users through posts that they are postponing their upcoming launch events. Xiaomi was about to launch its new smartphone series Xiaomi 13 on 1 December. Whereas, the IQ company had plans to launch iQOO 11 series and iQOO Neo 7 phones on 2 December. Both the companies have talked about postponing the launch event through a post on the Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo. New time and dates of launching will be informed soon. Why the launch event…
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