There is a huge deficiency of this nutrient in the body of Indians, fulfill it in this way or else you will get a serious disease

There is a huge deficiency of this nutrient in the body of Indians, fulfill it in this way or else you will get a serious disease

According to ‘Lancet Global Health’, Indians lack many nutrients. Especially iron, calcium and folate are lacking the most. This report also reveals that this deficiency is seen in people of all ages. This research has been done in 185 countries of the world. It found that there are 15 such nutrients which are present in less quantity in people’s body. 70 percent of people in the whole world do not eat iodine This research is based on diet charts. An international team of researchers from Harvard University USA has said…

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Health Tips: Iron is important not only for physical but also for mental health, 5 symptoms are seen due to deficiency.

Health Tips: Iron is important not only for physical but also for mental health, 5 symptoms are seen due to deficiency.

Importance of Iron: Iron is considered the protective shield of the body. This gives strength and protects the body from many diseases. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells. The function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to other organs. In such a situation, if there is iron deficiency, the entire system gets shaken. Since iron is also an immunity booster, its deficiency causes many diseases. It is also very important for the brain and nervous system. Due to lack…

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Iron Deficiency Symptoms Can Cause Problems To Be Aware Of

Iron Deficiency Symptoms Can Cause Problems To Be Aware Of

Iron Deficiency Symptoms: Every nutrient has its own role in the body. If any kind of vitamin is decreasing in the body, then it can make the body sick. Even if there is a lack of protein, there will be problems. Iron is also one of the essential nutrients for the body. How important iron is for the body, its importance can be understood from the fact that it helps in delivering oxygen to all the organs by making hemoglobin in the body. Let’s try to know what are the…

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