Seducing with intoxicating gestures, trapping in the web of ‘beauty’ and extracting secrets… these are the weapons of the killer beauties of ‘Mossad’!

Seducing with intoxicating gestures, trapping in the web of ‘beauty’ and extracting secrets… these are the weapons of the killer beauties of ‘Mossad’!

Intelligence agencies play a major role in the security system of any country. When bloodshed took place at a music concert in Israel, fingers were also pointed towards the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, which had no clue about such a big incident. However, this time when Mossad is in the news, it is once again because of its very different and dangerous working methods. As soon as Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Iran during the months-long war between Israel and Hamas, the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad came into…

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