Israeli tanks entered Gaza 6 Palestinians killed in IDF action, many houses demolished

Israel–Hamas War: Israel’s action against Hamas continues. Israeli tanks are advancing in north and south Gaza. According to locals, the Israeli army advanced in the Shejaiya area of ​​northern Gaza on Sunday (30 June). The army has also penetrated deep into western and central Rafah in the south. They have targeted several houses, in which at least six Palestinians were killed and many houses were destroyed. Locals said that four days ago several Israeli tanks entered Shejaiya and fired shells at the houses. Due to this attack many people got…

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Iran vs Israel army Israel ahead in air force and Iran navy is strong see comparison

Iran-Israel Army: Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi died amid the ongoing tension between Iran and Israel, hence a new crisis has arisen in the country. In this situation, it has become necessary to understand whether Iran will be able to save its existence if there is a war between Israel and Iran. The Global Fire Index has presented comparative figures regarding the military strength of both the countries. This figure has been given on the basis of military capabilities of the year 2024. According to this, Iran’s army is ranked 14th…

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S Jaishankar speaks to Iranian foreign minister on release of 17 Indian crew members on board ship seized by Iran

S Jaishankar Spoke To Iranian Foreign Minister: After receiving the news of 17 Indians being in the Israeli ship captured by Iran, the Indian government is continuously making efforts for their release. On Sunday (April 14), External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar spoke to Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdullahian. In this evening conversation, the situation created due to Iran-Israel conflict was discussed. External Affairs Minister Jaishankar wrote on Twitter, “Spoke this evening to H. Amiradolahian, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Discussed the release of 17 Indian crew…

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