what will India’s robot do in space after going on Gaganyaan mission facts

what will India’s robot do in space after going on Gaganyaan mission facts

Gaganyaan Mission Vyommitra Robot: Indian Space Research Organisation ,ISRO, Preparing the Gaganyaan mission, A test flight will be sent before the mission without any crew members, In which the spacecraft will be sent into space without crew members, But it will only have a robot sitting in it, Which will be taken on a space ride as a test, The name of that robot is Vyommitra, which is a humanoid robot, The special thing is that before sending Vyommitra into space, the design of his skull has been prepared, Robot…

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Who is Captain Subhanshu Shukla is the first astronaut selected by isro for ISS Mission by Nasa before Gaganyaan

Who is Captain Subhanshu Shukla is the first astronaut selected by isro for ISS Mission by Nasa before Gaganyaan

ISRO: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and NASA are working on a joint mission. Under this mission, NASA will send an Indian scientist from ISRO to the International Space Station. Both these organizations will share their expertise in space research and will work together for experiments and research on the ISS. ISRO has selected its first astronaut for this mission. Subhanshu Shukla will bring glory to India ISRO has selected one astronaut from hundreds of astronauts and his name is Captain Subhansu Shukla. Subhansu Shukla has been selected by ISRO…

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