From CM to PM, everyone is crazy about this sweet! 14 Chief Ministers have tasted it, its glory continues for 100 years

From CM to PM, everyone is crazy about this sweet!  14 Chief Ministers have tasted it, its glory continues for 100 years

Ankit Rajput/Jaipur. Jaipur of Rajasthan is famous not only for sightseeing but also for its food. The sweets available here have a different taste. Their demand extends even to foreign countries. One such unique sweet, which was made 100 years ago from a small lane in the walled market of Jaipur, reached the residence of the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister. And the name of this unique sweet is Makkhan Bada. Which is wonderful to look at and eat. Sambar Wala Sweets, located on Haldiyan Road in the walled…

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