Unique wedding! Marriage happened by giving 1 rupee and a coconut, if the bride gets a job, she will give her parents a year’s salary, the groom got one rupee in dowry, MLA came to appreciate it

Jaipur Rural. Every day we get to hear news of unfortunate incidents related to dowry. Many efforts have been made from time to time to eradicate this evil practice prevalent in the society. Anita Verma, who lives in Jaipur rural, has not given any dowry to the groom in the marriage. This dowry-free marriage is being appreciated all over the state. The groom Jai Narayan Jakhar also supported her a lot in eradicating this evil practice prevalent in the society. The groom is a JE and the bride is a…

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Once you drink this special drink, you will forget juice and cold drinks, people order it at home

Kajal Manohar/Jaipur Rural: The problem of dehydration is common in summers. Everyone wants to keep the body cool in summers. To keep the body cool, some drink juice and some drink cold drinks, but today we will tell you about a drink which after drinking, the heat of the body vanishes. This drink, which looks very simple, provides coolness and cooling effect to the body. The demand for this drink increases a lot during the summer season. Family members drink this special drink together. what is this soft drinkIngredients like…

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You must not have seen such friendship: The person who feeds the birds falls ill, hundreds of birds reach home every day to check on their health

Kajal Manohar/Jaipur Rural: Till date you must have seen and heard about many bird lovers, but today we will tell you about a unique bird lover whose story is just like a film story. Sometimes while scrolling the reels of Instagram and Facebook, we see that a scripted story is going on that a person is feeding the birds every day, but one day that person falls ill so he is unable to feed them, then the birds reach his house searching for that person. But today we are going…

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There is a long queue to buy the sweets made from milk and sugar, people come from far away to eat them

Kajal Manohar/Jaipur Rural. Peda is called the king of sweets. Usually, peda is used the most as a sweet on festivals like Holi, Diwali, Rakshabandhan. Peda made from milk is also used as prasad distribution in temples. Traditionally, peda is made from milk and sugar only, but it takes a lot of time to make it. To enhance the taste of milk peda, pistachio is also added to it along with cardamom powder and saffron. In the Indian market, milk peda is considered to be a very tasty and strength-boosting…

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