Rajkumar Santoshi Sentenced Jail: Well-known director Rajkumar Santoshi has been sentenced to two years in jail by a Jamnagar court. The case is of the year 2015 when Ashok Lal, a businessman from Jamnagar, had given a loan of Rs 1 crore to the director for making a film. Rajkumar Santoshi had given 10 checks of Rs 10 lakh each to Ashok Lal in lieu of payment of loan of Rs 10 lakh each. But these checks were later bounced. When Ashok Lal tried to contact Rajkumar Santoshi about this,…
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Rajkumar Santoshi denied check bouncing charges of two years jail and penalty by Jamnagar court. Rajkumar Santoshi was sentenced to two years imprisonment, the director denied check bouncing charges, said
Rajkumar Santoshi Case: A Jamnagar court has sentenced Rajkumar Santoshi to 2 years in jail in the check bouncing case and has also imposed a fine of Rs 2 crore. After this decision of the court, film director Rajkumar Santoshi has reacted. The director has called the check bouncing case fake and said that he will appeal against the court’s decision. Rajkumar Santoshi’s lawyer Binesh Patel, while talking to E-Times, said that the court has stayed the decision for 30 days and has granted bail to the director. The lawyer…
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