Why fog forms in winter, know the reason behind it

Fog starts forming with the arrival of winter. Often it comes to our mind why fog occurs in winter. There is also fog during the rainy season, especially in the hilly areas. Today we will tell you why and how fog is formed in winter and mist in rainy season.  Why fog is formed  Fog is a type of water vapor. Is. Air can hold a certain amount of water vapor or water in gaseous state. Let us tell you that as more and more water fills the air. The…

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Why do hands and feet remain cold in winter? Know the ways to overcome it

  Children and elderly people feel more cold during winter season. But some people feel more cold in their hands and feet than other parts of the body. However, the design of our body is such that the body temperature remains balanced. Today we will tell you why some people feel cold in their hands and feet.  Let us tell you that when the temperature outside the body remains very low, in that situation our body Ensures that blood flow to the vital organs of the body is maintained. So…

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Happy New Year 2024 Know What Time New Year Will Start In Different Country India Pakistan

Happy New Year 2024: Preparations have started everywhere for the New Year celebrations. Be it in the country or abroad, every person is very excited about where to hold the party and how to do it. Through this article, we will tell at what time the new year 2024 is going to knock in which country. Preparations for New Year celebrations have started in all countries. Some countries will celebrate the New Year earlier than others. New Year is welcomed in every country. But there is difference in time in…

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Calendar Fact Old Calendar Roman Calendar Fact How Was January And February Months Made

Old Calendar Fact: Days pass, months pass and then don’t know how many years have passed by doing like this, but do you know that the December which we consider today as the twelfth month was once the tenth? Not only this, have you ever wondered how these months would have been named? On what basis would these months have been named? There is a special reason behind the name of each month. Let’s know the interesting history of the calendar… Today in the calendar in which the year starts…

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