Obesity is illegal in Japan there is punishment for being obese

The laws are different in all the countries of the world. But many countries also have some strange laws. Today we are going to tell you about a law under which if a person’s weight increases, he is given strict punishment. Today we will tell you in which country gaining weight is considered illegal and what punishment is given for it. being fat is a crime It is common for obesity to increase in the body. But in Japan, obesity is considered illegal. Not only this, one is also punished…

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For the first time in the world, Japan will launch a satellite made of wood, know the science behind it

  Scientists from different countries of the world keep doing new experiments. But this time the scientists of Japan have done a feat which can surprise everyone. Actually, Japanese scientists have created a satellite which is made of wood. Not only this, scientists are also going to send it into space very soon by launching it from an American rocket. Today we will tell you whether a wooden satellite can go into space or not. Wooden satellite According to the report of the Guardian, wooden satellites The satellite has been built…

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In Japan, if a girl asks for a shirt button from a boy, what does it mean, this is the sign.

All countries have their own culture. Like India, the culture and customs of Japan are also considered ancient. Not only this, people from other countries also go to see many cultural traditions of Japan. But today we are going to tell you about a special tradition of Japan. In Japan, to express love, girls ask boys for shirt buttons. Today we will tell you what is the meaning behind asking for a shirt button in Japan.  Expression of love  Every person The way of expressing love is different. But the…

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