Jhunjhunu latest news

Green vegetables are getting more expensive in summer, you will be shocked to see the price, gourd and cluster bean are also sky high

Jhunjhunu. The scorching heat has caused troubles everywhere. Everyone is troubled by the heat and…

Not only Chidawa Pedha of Jhunjhunu, gram flour Pedha is also very famous, people here take it with them even in foreign countries.

Jhunjhunu. How can it be possible for people to come to Jhunjhunu and not eat…

Unique temple of Rajasthan, neckless idol is installed here, animals come to bow their heads

Jhunjhunu. You must have seen many temples and beliefs of Gods and Goddesses and folk…

This fruit offered to Lord Shiva will protect you in the heat, will ward off constipation, acidity and heatstroke.

Jhunjhunu. There is more sweating in the summer season. Therefore, it is advised to drink…

A thorny bush grew such that it made a farmer a millionaire, now there are 800 indigenous and foreign thorny bushes in the field

Report- Ravindra KumarJhunjhunu. The fate of a farmer from Jhunjhunu 42 years ago bush Opened…