Child Care Tips: Drinking this juice will help in mental and physical development of children, consume it like this

It is very important to take care of children’s health. They should be fed healthy diet since childhood, so that in future they remain healthy and stay away from diseases. If a child’s eating habits are not good from the beginning, then they have to face problems in the future. If you also want the physical and mental development of your child, then this news is for you. Is. Today we will tell you about such juice, by consuming which your children will remain healthy. Also, consuming this juice daily…

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The sherbet of love came from Mumbai to Rampur, the demand is so high that it is sold till 1 am in the night. – News18 Hindi

Anju Prajapati/Rampur: There are many such stalls in the city which not only quench your thirst in the scorching heat but also keep the stomach cool. Lemon water, Rooh Afza and other different types of sherbets will also be available to drink to cool down the body. One of which is Mumbai’s explosive love syrup. As soon as the evening comes, there is a very captivating sight here. During the holy month of Ramzan, all the fasting people gather here and the lovers enjoy the sherbet to the fullest. Due…

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Drinking more fruit juice in a day will cause harm! Know how many glasses to drink

Fruit Juice Limit: It is advisable to eat fruits to stay healthy. All types of nutrients are found in fruits. They contain elements like vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, anti-oxidants, which help in improving health. However, many people prefer to drink juice instead of eating fruits. Drinking fruit juice is also beneficial but removing the peel and heavy content from it removes fiber and other micronutrients. Along with this, fruit juice also contains high amount of fructose. Therefore it is considered less beneficial than fruits. In such a situation, the question arises…

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Know The Difference Between Juice And Shake Knowledge Facts

Juice and Shake: The summer season has started. In such a situation, shops selling sugarcane juice, mango shake etc. have started appearing on the roadside and in the market place. These beverages give a feeling of coolness as soon as they go down the throat in the scorching heat. You must have been drinking sugarcane juice, mango shake, orange juice, pomegranate juice etc since childhood. Have you ever noticed that some drinks are called juices and some are called shakes, such as a mango shake and orange juice… are shakes…

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