Why does Jupiter spin very fast? Know the reason

Jupiter is one of the fastest rotating planets after Earth, whose one day will be just is equal to 10 hours. While in circumference it is farther from the earth 11 times bigger. The earth revolves around the sun at a slower speed. , But the question arises that how come there is so much difference in the spin of both the planets present in the solar system? And how does Jupiter rotate so fast?? Let’s find out. How does Jupiter spin so fast? This is because of the mass…

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A miracle will happen next week! The solar system will be visible from the earth, 6 planets will be visible together

If you are interested in the moon and stars. If you like to know about space and planets, then next week is going to be fun for you. Because you can see a rare miracle in the sky. On June 3, the solar system will be visible from the earth and 6 planets will be seen in a straight line. The special thing is that you will be able to see this amazing sight from the earth. According to the report of The Guardian, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and…

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June 2024 Solar System Six planets to appear in alignment Mercury Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune visible from India Earth next week

Scientists keep discovering something or the other every day to find out the countless mysteries hidden in this universe. If you are also interested in knowing about space and planets, then let us tell you that an amazing event is going to happen next week. On Monday (June 3), before sunrise, 6 planets in the solar system will be seen in a straight line. According to NASA, such a situation in the sky is formed by six planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Rare sights in the sky…

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Guru Uday 2024 Jupiter will in Taurus will bring good luck and prosperity for these zodiac signs

Guru Uday 2024: Guru Dev Brahaspati, the god of planets, changed his zodiac sign on 1 May 2024. Guru has left Aries and entered Taurus. Guru had set in Taurus on 7 May 2024, now on 6 June 2024, Thursday, Guru Graha will rise in Taurus. On Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 04.36 am, Guru will rise from setting. Whenever the planet Jupiter (Guru Dev Brahaspati) enters or rises from one zodiac sign to another, it affects all the zodiac signs. Let us know which zodiac signs will benefit from…

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The fate of the planets after the Sun will not be as believed, new discovery of distant planets reveals.

Many theories have been proposed on what will happen to the planets in our solar system after the end of the Sun, but till now scientists have not received authentic information about it. Now the James Webb Space Telescope has discovered such exoplanets whose systems are telling what could be the fate of the planets after the extinction of our Sun. The special thing is that the shape and type of star of the exoplanets that have been discovered is similar to what is expected to happen after the end…

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If Jupiter is a gas planet, then why is it the heaviest planet, do you know the reason?

The largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter. It is much larger and much heavier than rocky planets like Earth, Mercury, Mars and Venus. But have you wondered why this is so? Despite being a gaseous planet and not a rocky planet, why is it many times heavier than rocky planets like Earth? And if it is so heavy then why is it still a gaseous planet? So first and then the heaviness of Jupiter. It is really very big. The weight of the gases contained in its large…

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Scientist finds special planet, will tell how Earth was formed, many more secrets will be revealed

Astronomers have discovered a special kind of exoplanet that can tell our scientists how the Earth was formed. This discovery by international researchers is very special because this exoplanet is lighter than both Neptune and Uranus and it is in a star system where there is a planet a hundred times larger than Jupiter on the outside. In this way, scientists believe that the conditions of this planet are similar to what our Earth might have once been. This small, cool exoplanet is revolving around a star whose temperature is…

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Why Is Jupiter Called The Vacuum Cleaner Of The Solar System Interesting Facts About Jupiter

Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is also called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system (Jupiter is vacuum cleaner of solar system). This planet made of clouds of gas is one of the oldest planets in the solar system. Scientists believe that if Jupiter was not there, the earth would have been destroyed long ago. Let’s understand how it protects us from celestial calamities and why it is called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system. Why is it called the vacuum cleaner of…

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H3N2 Virus Prediction Jupiter Ketu Combination Responsible For Diseases According To Astrology Flu Virus Not Major Harm In India

H3N2 Virus Prediction: The cases of Kovid-19 had decreased for some time that the cases of a new virus have started increasing, due to which there is once again a situation of fear and anxiety in the country and the world. The name of this new virus is H3N2 which is a type of Influenza A virus. When infected with this virus, symptoms of flu such as high fever, shortness of breath, fatigue and dry cough are seen in the patient. These symptoms remain in the body for three weeks.…

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Miracle will happen in the sky after 8 days! Solar system will be visible from Earth, five planets will be seen together

If you are interested in astronomy, like to know about space, planets and stars then this is a great opportunity for you. You may get to see a rare miracle in the sky. On March 28, the solar system will be visible from Earth and five planets will be in a straight line, which can be seen from Earth throughout the night. According to Starwalk, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus will meet in a small area of ​​50 degrees. Let us know when and how this event can be…

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