Smallest Kachori available here in MP, cost only Rs 2, does not spoil for 8 days

Smallest Kachori available here in MP, cost only Rs 2, does not spoil for 8 days

Mohan Dhakale / Burhanpur. The smallest Kachori of Madhya Pradesh is found in Burhanpur, which weighs only 10 grams, once one eats it, it becomes crazy. The special thing is that spicy shortbread does not spoil for 8 days, that’s why people pack it and take it with them. It is in demand in the country and abroad. The operator of Jyoti Sweets of Rajpura area of ​​Burhanpur claims that Madhya Pradesh’s smallest Kachori is made at his place, a large number of people reach the shop from early morning…

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