If you want to eat mudhi, kachri and pakodi in the rain, then come here, people come from 50 km to eat, know the location

If you want to eat mudhi, kachri and pakodi in the rain, then come here, people come from 50 km to eat, know the location

Dheeraj Kumar / Kishanganj: In the rainy season, the first choice of people is pakodas and kachdi. A similar sight is seen everyday in Bihar’s Kishanganj. Kishanganj, known as Cherrapunji of North India, receives more rainfall. In such a situation, in this rainy season, the aroma of kachdi, potato chop, violet, onion will pull you towards itself. Hasan Ansari is a pakoda seller near the bus stand of the city. At whose shop there is a long crowd of customers to eat potato chops, violets, onions and pickles. The sale…

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Journey of taste: Garbage keeps away indigestion and constipation, chutney is not the answer, history and idioms are interesting

Journey of taste: Garbage keeps away indigestion and constipation, chutney is not the answer, history and idioms are interesting

highlights The origin of garbage is also believed to be in sandy areas. The nutrients of garbage keep the body away from constipation and indigestion. In rural areas, many sayings and idioms are in vogue regarding garbage. Swad Ka Safarnama: If Kachari is called the desi vegetable of India, then it will not be an exaggeration. Earlier it used to grow on its own in the fields and its vine used to spread everywhere, but now due to its nutritional properties, it is being cultivated in the country and it…

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