Is the mountain of Kailash really in the shape of ‘Om’Is this its truth

Is the mountain of Kailash really in the shape of ‘Om’Is this its truth

Mount Kailash: The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. Whose height is 8849 meters. More than 7000 people have climbed Mount Everest so far and the process is still going on. But there is a mountain in the Himalayas which is called Mount Kailash. Which is approximately 2211 meters smaller than Mount Everest. Its height is 6638 meters. But despite this, no one has been able to climb Mount Kailash yet. Mount Kailash has a very special place in Hindu religious belief. Regarding this mountain, some people believe…

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Kailash Parvat Know About Lord Shiva Residence Mount Kailash Mystery

Kailash Parvat Know About Lord Shiva Residence Mount Kailash Mystery

Kailash Parvat Mystery in Hindi: Mount Kailash or Kailas located in Tibet is mentioned in many texts of Hinduism. Shivpuran, Skanda Puran, Matsya Puran etc. also have separate chapters named Kailas Khand. In this, the glory and miracles of Mount Kailash have been told. Mount Kailash has been considered the abode of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva resides here with his family and other deities. This mountain is circumambulated during the pilgrimage to Kailas Mansarovar. Mount Kailash itself holds many secrets. According to mythology, near this mountain is the city of…

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