kanpur news

Kanpur: Seven Shops Seled in Naveen Market, House Tax of About Rs 20 Lakh Was Pending – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67e2b502920a64ca0503718d", "Slug": "kanpur-seed-shops-seled-in-in-naveen-maarket-haouse-tax-o. F-About-RS-20-Lakh-Pending-Pending-2025-03-25 "," Type ":" Story "," Status ":" Publish "," Title_hn…

Kanpur: fiance physically exploited her, also duped her of 41 lakhs – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67e04b1cf8fa507f7A07777208", "Slug": "kanpur-fiance-pheysically-exploated-her-her-larso-dire D-Her-of-41-Lakhs-2025-03-23 ​​"," Type ":" Feature-Story "," Status ":" Publish "," Title_HN…

Kanpur: Son also Died Due to the Shock of Father’s Death – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67ded8FC83897B0777777775c", "Slug": "Kanpur-Son-Alco-Due-Due-to-to-the-to-shock-of-Fa Ther-s-death-2025-03-22 "," type ":" feature-story "," status ":" publish "," Title_hn…

Weather Update: Winds Clashed, Lightning Flashed, Brough Rain, Cyclonic Circle Formed In Bay of Bengal – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67DF002DF815FC892602C205", "Slug": "Weather-update-winds-classed-lightning-flashed-flased-bright-rain-cyclo Nic-Circle-Formed-In-BAY-OF-Bengal-2025-03-22 "," Type ":" Feature-Story "," Status ":" Publish "," Title_HN…

Kanpur: 10 Lakh extortion Demanded for Leaving the Chamber, Beated on Protest – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67DC3340B8FC7DF544034BDD", "Slug": "Kanpur-10-Lakh-Extortion-Demanded-For-LaVing-The -Chamber-Beaten-On-Protest-2025-03-20 "," Type ":" Story "," Status ":" Publish "," Title_HN…

Weather Update: 125 years old record broken, kanpur was hottest in the country – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

This time the maximum temperature of February has broken the record of 125 years. According…

Kanpur: Fed up of Eve -Teasing, A Class 9 Student Hanged Hercelf to Death – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67Db0D26ca048d7f4b06663ac", "Slug": "kanpur-fed-up-up-eve-eve-teasing-a-class-9-sutudent- Hanged-werself-to-death-2025-03-19 "," Type ":" Story "," Status ":" Publish "," Title_HN…

56 shops in the highly sensitive area, three factories in panki seled – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67d993b281d82492680b47b1", "Slug": "56-shops-in-in-the-the-highly-sensitive-sensitive-and-three-faa Ctories-in-Panki-SEALED-2025-03-18 "," Type ":" Story "," Status ":" Publish "," Title_HN…

Additional Chief Secretary said – Start Construction in two days, Action

The last month of the financial year is going on and despite the budget allocation,…