Karisma Kapoor And Abhishek Bachchan Love Story: Bollywood’s best actress Karisma Kapoor has turned 50. Karisma was born on 25 June 1974 in Mumbai to actor Randhir Kapoor and actress Babita Kapoor. She was inclined towards films from the very beginning and later she became a hit actress of Bollywood. The actress ruled Bollywood in the 90s. She started her film career with the 1991 film ‘Prem Qaidi’. After this, the actress established herself in Bollywood with films like Police Officer and Raja Babu. Raja Hindustani made him a star…
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karisma kapoor birthday special bollywood debut at the age of 16 know some interesting facts about actress
Karisma Kapoor Birthday: Bollywood’s best actress Karisma Kapoor celebrates her birthday every year on June 25. Karisma, who started her film career in the early 90s, ruled Bollywood single-handedly in the 90s. There was a time when Karisma Kapoor ruled Bollywood. Her entire family has a filmy background and the actress also made her career in Bollywood. The actress was born on 25 June 1974 in Mumbai to actor Randhir Kapoor and actress Babita Kapoor. Let us introduce you to some special things about the 90’s queen Karisma Kapoor on…
Read MoreKarisma Kapoor Did Not Want To Play Rekha Sautan In Zubeidaa Film Here Is The Reason Why
Karisma Kapoor Facts: Popular actress Karisma of the 90s, although she appeared in many films, but Zubaida is considered one of the best films of her career. But you will be surprised to know that Karisma Kapoor was very scared before doing this film. The reason for Karishma’s nervousness was not one but two. Apart from Karishma in Zubaida, Rekha and Manoj Bajpayee were seen in the lead roles. Manoj Maharaj Hanwant Singh and Karisma were in the role of his wife. When filmmaker Shyam Benegal offered this role to…
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