How To Protect Eye From Summer Heat Know The Prevention Tips

How To Protect Eye From Summer Heat Know The Prevention Tips

How To Protect Eye From Summer Heat: The scorching heat continues to wreak havoc. The sun like a rock is becoming unbearable. Heat wave is going on in many cities. In such a situation, along with the health of the body, hair and skin, the health of your eyes can also be affected. Direct exposure to sunlight can damage your eyes. There can be infection. There can be a problem of dryness. Not only this, due to strong sunlight, eyesight can also be affected. Due to the adverse effect on…

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Know Amazing Health Benefits Of White Jamun

Know Amazing Health Benefits Of White Jamun

White Jamun Benefits: Black berries start selling in the market as soon as the summer season arrives. We are all aware of its benefits and taste, but do you know that it also has a brother. Which we know by the name of white berries. Many people are not aware of this fruit, but believe me, these white berries are very beneficial. People also know it by different names. Like Wax Apple, Java Apple, Rose Apple, etc… This fruit found in summer is very beneficial for our body and skin.…

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Benefits Of Drinking Green Juice In Summer

Benefits Of Drinking Green Juice In Summer

Green Juice Health Benefits: The summer heat is continuing since the month of March and these days the problem of heatwave has increased a lot. The Meteorological Department has also issued an alert regarding the heatwave. Now one thing is clear from this that health has to be taken care of in this season. Along with keeping yourself hydrated, you will also have to consume some such things which are full of nutrients. In such a situation, you can drink green juice in summer. It is full of nutrients. All…

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Breathing Difficulty While Climbing Stairs

Breathing Difficulty While Climbing Stairs

Breathing Issue While Climbing Stairs: Often you must have seen that some people start panting as soon as they climb two or four stairs, have difficulty in breathing, feel nauseous, get drenched in sweat… and in the end they sit there tired. If this happens to elderly people then it is considered to be due to age, but nowadays this problem is being seen even in young youth. Have you ever noticed this, what could be the reason behind it. Actually this happens when you are suffering from anemia, apart…

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