To look beautiful, apply bird’s beat on the face! This facial is very expensive, celebrities are also fond of it

What people do not do to look beautiful. Food items like milk-curd to gram flour etc. are applied on the face, surgery is done, expensive products are used and sometimes they use such strange things that you have hardly heard about. Similarly, facials with bird poop and different treatments are also done by going to the parlour. But to look beautiful, there is such a treatment which you will have to strengthen your mind to get it done because you will be disgusted to know about it. There is also…

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If you misspell the name of a local dish, you will be fined 1 crore! The country took a strange step to get rid of English

Mahatma Gandhi had said- ‘A nation is dumb without a national language’. This is completely true and every citizen should be proud of their national language. In today’s time, English has become a global language, people go to different parts of the world and use it to communicate. But in many countries, priority is being given to English over their own language. Many countries are struggling with this problem but there are very few countries which are able to take steps against it. These days a similar step is being…

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Woman grew 1 foot long beard like men, made record in old age, reason is compulsion, not hobby!

Nowadays men are so fond of growing beard that they do not cut their beard for many days. Some are seen flaunting short and some long beard. But have you ever seen a woman growing a beard? You will say how is this possible? Weep on the face of women, but not so much that they keep beard like men. These days there is a lot of talk about an American woman (Old woman with beard) who became famous because of her beard and has also made a world record.…

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Imam was reciting Ramadan Namaz, suddenly the cat jumped up! See what happened next in the viral video

The holy month of Ramadan is going on. On this occasion, the followers of Islam all over the world are engaged in remembering God. Keeping fasts, offering Namaz 5 times is common in this month. These days many videos related to Ramadan and Iftari of Muslims are going viral on social media, but recently a video (Cat jump during namaz video) has come to the fore which has made everyone happy. In this video, a cat climbs on the imam reading Namaz (Cat jump on imam viral video). After this,…

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Is it possible to travel at the speed of light? After all, what will be its effect on humans? science has the answer

As a child, you must have thought sometime or the other that what will happen if you move at the speed of light or more? Seeing fictional characters like the fast-flying ‘Superman’ and the fast-moving ‘Flash’, you too must have wished that you too could walk or fly at the speed of light and reach your desired destination! Even though after growing up, these thoughts have gone out of your mind, but even today you would have a desire to know the answer to these thoughts that arise in your…

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This is the world’s most poisonous plant, a pinch of seeds puts you to death! Despite being fatal, there are benefits

If you think that only creatures like animals, birds, insects, etc. are poisonous in this world, then you probably have not taken complete information about trees and plants. There are many plants in nature which are so poisonous that they can cause great harm to humans. But is their poison strong enough to kill a human? Yes, of course it is. The world’s most poisonous plant can easily do this, but the surprising thing is that despite being poisonous, it has many benefits. We are talking about Ricinus communis i.e.…

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Old box found in the excavation of the house, 6 people engaged in extracting it! Seeing what they got then people grabbed their heads

The people of the olden days preferred to keep the valuable things hidden. Due to lack of bank facilities, he used to hide the wealth in a box or utensils and bury it under the ground. Years later, when people get the same valuables, their luck opens up. This is what people in a town in Andhra Pradesh thought when they found a sunken iron box under an old house. As soon as the box was found, there was a stir in the city and people came to see it.…

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Strong body, long beard, yet the man joined the women’s competition! won the title by turning the rules

Every competition has rules and regulations keeping in mind the participants have to take part in it. Some competitions are only for women and some only for men. It is impossible for the other to participate in both the competitions. But these days a powerlifting competition is in discussion in which a man took part. The surprising thing was that the competition was of women (Man wins in women’s tournament). Then how was this possible? Let us tell you the whole thing. According to the report of Audity Central News…

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The person got such an infection that worms born on the body started crawling inside the skin! rare disease like this

Human diseases are of different types and are so bizarre that they can easily kill a human being. Many diseases are common, but some are caused by infections, which are so rare that even doctors have little knowledge about them. A person from Spain also had a similar disease, the main reason for which was an infection (Spain man hyperinfection). Due to this infection, very small insects were born on his body and on seeing, it was found that they are crawling inside the skin! According to the report of…

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Customers can’t see mobile phone while eating food! The restaurant has banned, the reason is quite interesting

From an early age, children were taught that one should not watch TV while eating food, the whole attention should be on eating. In today’s time, there is no TV, but children are busy on mobiles and tablets. Ever since the trend of social media has increased, since then not only children, adults have also joined this link. It has become common to keep looking at the mobile phone while eating. In such a situation, a restaurant (mobile phone ban in Japan restaurant) has made a rule for its customers,…

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