, Baby Hiccups:

,  Baby Hiccups:

hiccups in baby : Newborn babies and small children suffer from hiccups a lot. He hiccups only every few minutes. It is quite normal for this to happen. It is believed that the baby starts having hiccups in the mother’s womb from the second trimester of pregnancy. It is said that a baby’s hiccups increase his appetite. However, this reason is not clear. According to health experts, newborns or children may get hiccups due to their routine or eating habits. In such a situation, the question arises that why do…

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If children are wearing glasses at an early age, then these home remedies can help them in getting relief.

If children are wearing glasses at an early age, then these home remedies can help them in getting relief.

Nowadays children keep working on mobile and screen all day long. Some children keep using their phones till night, while there are some who stay awake all night to study. But do you know that doing so has dangerous effects on the eyes. In such a situation, the eyes of children are affected and they start wearing numbered glasses at an early age. Children start getting marks due to continuous wearing of glasses and it also becomes their habit. To get rid of all this, we will tell you some…

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If the body of children up to 6 months starts getting cold, then do these things immediately, there will be no need to go to the hospital.

If the body of children up to 6 months starts getting cold, then do these things immediately, there will be no need to go to the hospital.

Kid’s Winter Care: These days, it is extremely cold in many states, at some places the temperature has reached one or two degrees Celsius. In such a situation, newborn children and the elderly are most at risk of cold. If you also have small children in your house whose age is 6 months or less and this is their first cold, then you need to take special precautions. Let us tell you how you can keep babies up to 6 months old warm in winter, so that you do not…

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Health Tips Sugar Products Can Harm Children S Teeth Know Its Side Effects

Health Tips Sugar Products Can Harm Children S Teeth Know Its Side Effects

Children Teeth Care Tips: If you are also pampering your little child by feeding them products containing sugar, then be careful. Because sugar products (sugar side effects) can be very dangerous for a child under two years of age. Feeding more sugar to children and prematurely weaning them from mother’s milk spoils their teeth. This information has been found in a research published in America’s ‘Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology’ journal. About 800 children of the age of 2 years or less were included in this research. You are also…

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If the child is continuously coughing, do not take it lightly, because it may be pneumonia, these are the symptoms

If the child is continuously coughing, do not take it lightly, because it may be pneumonia, these are the symptoms

​ Pneumonia: It is seen in winter that children get affected by many types of infections. In this season, the risk of pneumonia increases in young children. Most of the cases of pneumonia in children are due to bacterial or viral infection. Health experts say that pneumonia is a serious respiratory disease that occurs due to change in weather and cold. It is very important to take care of children in the changing season. According to experts, fever, cough, fast breathing, walking ribs or sinking ribs are symptoms of pneumonia.…

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