Men fall in love with the mother leaving the daughter, she said- people think she is the daughter’s sister, knowing the truth makes one lose their senses!

Men fall in love with the mother leaving the daughter, she said- people think she is the daughter’s sister, knowing the truth makes one lose their senses!

There are many people around the world who look younger than their actual age. Due to this, people often start considering them as the brother or sister of their own children. One such incident happened with a woman living in London. This 54-year-old woman claims that often men leave my daughter and start following me. They think that I am not the mother of my daughter but her sister. The name of this woman is Andrea Sunshine, who lives in London and is a professional bodybuilder. Andrea told that often…

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When a ‘screaming woman’ was found while digging the ground, a 3500 year old truth was discovered, scientists were surprised!

When a ‘screaming woman’ was found while digging the ground, a 3500 year old truth was discovered, scientists were surprised!

Every person who is alive in this world has only one desire, that when he dies, he should get a painless, peaceful death. Everyone may want an easy death, but not everyone gets such a death. When scientists found an ancient mummy in 1935, they were shocked, because looking at that mummy, it was clear that it must have got a painful death. Looking at that mummy (Screaming Woman Mummy), it seemed as if she was screaming. She was about 3500 years old and on examining her, scientists found out…

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This is how the girl makes ‘banana-chicken’, this is how she mixes things, the Thai girl became popular overnight!

This is how the girl makes ‘banana-chicken’, this is how she mixes things, the Thai girl became popular overnight!

In the olden days, people had to work hard to become popular. Some people used to get famous with their sports, while others ruled over people’s hearts with their acting and singing. But in today’s era, social media has changed everything. Some become famous overnight by doing ridiculous things, while others make people crazy with their pranks. Apart from this, people are also liking the style of cooking. A few days ago, we told you about a girl selling parathas on the roadside, in front of whom there is a…

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This woman has never slept in 30 years, her eyes are open 24 hours, she said- ‘It is not a disease, it is a practice’

This woman has never slept in 30 years, her eyes are open 24 hours, she said- ‘It is not a disease, it is a practice’

You must have heard the story of ‘Sleeping Beauty’, in which the princess kept sleeping. Today we will tell you about a woman who does not sleep at all. She has spent 30 years of her life awake. After listening to the entire story of this woman, you will not believe that someone can do this. According to a website named Oddity Central, a woman from Vietnam has claimed that she has never slept in the last 30 years. The interesting thing is that the reason behind this is not…

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‘Sick’ woman tore 4 lakh rupees notes, the pieces came in a sack, bank employees kept joining them for 22 days!

‘Sick’ woman tore 4 lakh rupees notes, the pieces came in a sack, bank employees kept joining them for 22 days!

In today’s time, the most important thing in a person’s life is money. Whether someone falls sick or needs food, clothes or anything else, everything comes from money. A normal person can understand this, but will a mentally ill person understand this? You will understand why we are saying this after knowing about an incident in China. Usually a person works hard from morning to evening to earn currency notes, imagine if someone tears them without thinking, what would be your reaction? The same thing happened with a family. A…

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All the men of the world are jealous of this man! Girlfriend bears all the expenses, gives him such an expensive car as a gift

All the men of the world are jealous of this man! Girlfriend bears all the expenses, gives him such an expensive car as a gift

Most men around the world do not want to miss any opportunity to impress their partner. Every person wants to keep his girlfriend happy at any cost. For this, sometimes he gets new clothes for his girlfriend, sometimes he gifts her perfume and jewellery. But have you ever seen a girl spending money on her boyfriend? There would hardly be one girl in millions who would do this. But the video of such a woman is going viral on social media, who not only makes her boyfriend shop, but is…

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A man was digging sand near the sea shore, an unknown letter came out from inside, he started crying bitterly after reading it!

A man was digging sand near the sea shore, an unknown letter came out from inside, he started crying bitterly after reading it!

Many times when we go to a place, we find something there which we do not expect at all. Here we can find not only treasures but also some heart-breaking things. Something similar happened with a person who found a jar buried 6 inches below the sand. As soon as he opened the jar and looked inside, he started crying. The man himself has written a post on Reddit saying that he was walking on the seashore when he found a strange thing buried under the sand. Since the metal…

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As soon as she went to her in-laws house, the daughter-in-law did such a thing, she was doing such a thing in a closed room, the husband was shocked to see it!

As soon as she went to her in-laws house, the daughter-in-law did such a thing, she was doing such a thing in a closed room, the husband was shocked to see it!

Every man wants his wife to be beautiful, advanced and to keep pace with him. That is why he wants to marry the person of his choice. But this does not happen with everyone. In such a situation, most of the family members decide the relationship. In these relationships, the man wants a well-cultured wife more. But imagine what would happen if it is an arranged marriage and a woman different from your thinking comes to your house? You will definitely be shocked, life will become hell while living. One…

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Buy cucumber, buy gourd… not like this, this is how a girl sells vegetables on the roadside, know where she sets up her shop!

Buy cucumber, buy gourd… not like this, this is how a girl sells vegetables on the roadside, know where she sets up her shop!

Who doesn’t know Delhi’s ‘Vada Pav Girl’ Chandrika Gera Dixit. Chandrika started selling Mumbai’s Vada Pav from a cart in Delhi and went viral in no time. She used to share her videos a lot on social media, as a result of which she also got an offer from Bigg Boss OTT. Something similar happened with a girl from Thailand. That girl is making huge profits by selling egg paratha in provocative clothes. There is a line of customers in front of her cart. But now the video of a…

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A 43-year-old man is the ‘father’ of 1000 children. If he gives birth to another child, he will have to pay a fine of Rs 91 lakh!

A 43-year-old man is the ‘father’ of 1000 children. If he gives birth to another child, he will have to pay a fine of Rs 91 lakh!

The feeling of becoming a father is very special for any man. When a man holds his child in his arms for the first time, he feels many kinds of emotions inside him. But a man from the Netherlands has felt this feeling so many times that now it probably doesn’t matter to him! The man we are talking about is 43 years old and has become the father of almost 1000 children. He has fathered so many children that now the situation is such that if he fathers one…

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