Did you add too much chilli while cooking? These 5 things will balance the taste, know the method here

Cooking Tips: Every person likes to eat delicious food. And chilli is used in dal shaak to add spiciness to the food. However, it often happens that there is too much chilli in food. If there is too much chilli in food then no matter how delicious that dish is, no one can eat it. In such a situation, today we will tell you some tips to reduce the spiciness of food. ghee and butterIf you accidentally add too much chilli to your food, you can use ghee to remove…

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There is excess salt in vegetables and pulses, balance the taste with 5 tricks, the taste will increase.

highlights Mash the boiled potatoes and add them to the vegetable and let it boil. You can also balance the excess salt in vegetables or pulses with roasted gram flour. How To Reduce Excess Salt From Food: If there is less salt in the food then you can correct it later by adding salt, but if there is too much salt then the taste of the entire food can be ruined. In fact, if there is too much salt in a recipe, it becomes difficult to eat, and no one…

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Set butter-like curd in 5 hours, never make this mistake, the taste will be amazing.

How To Make Curd At Home: Curd is used frequently in Indian kitchens. It is used in many food items. Whether it is making vegetables or taking care of skin and hair, curd is definitely used in it. However, making curd in winter is not so easy. You must be aware that a slightly moist and warm environment is required to set curd. But everyone faces difficulty in making curd during winter season. If curd takes too long to set then its taste starts deteriorating and neither its texture nor…

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kitchen hacks boil milk without sticking and burning easy and best way to boil milk know real facts life style

The biggest problem of most people in the kitchen is boiling milk. Truth be told, when you boil milk while standing in front, it takes more time to boil but as soon as you leave it on the stove for a short time, it comes out of the vessel immediately. Boiling the milk is a bigger problem than cleaning the gas stove after the milk comes out. Often we have to face all these problems every day. In many parts of India, it is not considered right for milk to…

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How to Quickly Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes

Due to lack of sunlight during cold or rainy season, the grains kept in the store get infected with insects and mold. After the infestation of insects, the nutrients present in the grains gradually start getting destroyed. Today we are going to tell you some methods through which you can keep stored grains fresh for a long time. Today we will tell you easy tips for storing grains. Store wheat, rice and pulses in this manner Store in an airtight container Due to lack of sunlight during the cold season,…

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Do not throw away the remaining bread, use it in 5 ways, many kitchen tasks will be done in minutes

highlights You can use the remaining bread slices as a gravy thickener. With the help of these breads, you can easily make bread crumbs at home. Leftover Bread Hacks: The trend of eating bread with eggs in breakfast is seen in every household, but many times it happens that two slices are left in the packet of bread and they become hard when kept in the fridge. In such a situation, no one likes to eat them and most of the people throw them away. If there is such a…

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Do This Work Before Cooking Green Vegetables Know Right Way To Wash Vegetables

Our elders have always been saying that if you want to stay healthy and stay away from diseases, then consume more and more green vegetables. These vegetables are not only beneficial for the development of the body, but also help in the development of the mind. By eating green vegetables, the body gets full nutrition. The deficiency of essential nutrients is removed. You must have always heard everything positive about green vegetables. You must have never heard that eating green vegetables can make you sick. But do you know that…

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Dough becomes tight or bad even after keeping it in the fridge, if kept like this it will remain soft for a long time

Fridge is one of the most essential things in our daily lifestyle. Be it summer or winter, our life seems incomplete without a fridge. Refrigerator is an essential tool to store and keep food fresh.  Often we keep the remaining dough in the freeze so that it does not get tight or spoil. But many times it happens that we keep flour in the fridge in such a way that it turns black and gets spoiled. Just this much flour also gets fungus or starts turning black. In such a…

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Onion Pills Uses Benefits And Side Effects

Benefits of Onion Peels: Onion is used in vegetables, salads or any food in the recipes of every country of the world. If the price of onion increases, then there is panic among the people. And this directly affects their taste. Any recipe is incomplete without onions. If we say in other words, onion has an important importance in human food. But if you come to know that along with onion, its peels are also useful. So what would you say? Often we throw onion peels, but if you know…

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Kitchen Hacks You Add Too Much Salt By Mistake Try These Tips To Reduce

Kitchen Hacks: Who doesn’t make mistakes while cooking. Some kind of mistake happens while cooking good food. Sometimes knowingly or unknowingly some spice or ingredient is used in excess. Sometimes there is scope for improvement in food, but sometimes the fleet gets bogged down. There must have been more salt in the food than you too. This is on top of the mistakes made by people while cooking. Either we forcefully cook the food with excess salt by adding water or we are forced to eat it under compulsion. However,…

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