Home Tips: Don’t worry about water stains in electric kettle, these kitchen hacks will help you clean it

When water has to be heated, everyone wants to avoid the hassle of repeatedly putting the vessel on the gas and uses an electric kettle. Often women think that mostly water is heated in this type of kettle, due to which it does not need to be cleaned much. However, this kettle should also be cleaned regularly, otherwise water marks appear on it. If there are water marks on the electric kettle kept in your kitchen, then there is no need to worry. With the help of these tips, you…

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It will no longer take hours to clean greasy utensils, follow these easy tips

After holding any small party or get-together at home, cleaning the kitchen becomes the most difficult task. After the guests leave, a lot of utensils are found gathered in the sink, but what makes it even more difficult is the greasy and oily residue on these utensils, which takes hours to clean. It is also important to clean these utensils and get rid of all stubborn stains as they can harden if you leave them for too long. However, most people resort to store-bought chemical cleaners to get rid of…

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Very few people know this secret of making raita, due to which raita will not turn sour for many hours.

Raita is such a side dish, without which many Indian dishes seem incomplete. Raita made with curd, spices, vegetables and sometimes fruits is not only delicious but also healthy. Especially in the summer season, the demand for raita increases a lot. However, the only complaint with this dish is that it turns sour within a few hours. If you also have to face such a problem, then we will tell you a trick which will prevent your raita from becoming sour. But before that, let’s learn about the recipe for…

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Does milk boil as soon as you look away? Not a single drop will fall due to this trick, you just have to do this work

Kitchen Hacks: Boiling milk is not as easy as it seems. Standing in the kitchen and watching milk boiling in summer or winter does not seem like a fun thing to do. If you are boiling milk on high gas flame then you will have to keep an eye on the milk continuously. If attention is lost, milk can spill out of the vessel in a moment. Milk boiler definitely falls in all of our homes. Sometimes we leave it boiling on the gas and forget it, not only this,…

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