A person reaches a foreign country in ten steps, has breakfast in Canada and dinner in America, how?

There are many such places around the world, which are surprising to know about. It is difficult to believe the existence of those places at first. But after knowing the reality, everyone is shocked. Today we are going to tell you about one such place. If you are asked if you know about the world’s smallest international bridge? Perhaps most people will not know about this. But let us tell you that the person living where this bridge is built can have breakfast in Canada and dinner in America as…

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Why do dogs start running behind cars and bikes, know what science says

Many times dogs start running fast behind a car or bike moving on the road. Whereas they do not do anything to the people passing on the road. Dogs sometimes keep chasing a car or bike for a few kilometers. Due to which the bike or car riders passing through the road get disturbed. In such a situation, these questions would often arise in your mind that why does this happen and why do dogs behave like this. Why do stray dogs chase cars or bikes on the road?When you…

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What Are The White Stripes In The Middle Of The Road Called What Is Their Function

While walking on the road or highway, you must have seen many times that white stripes are made in the middle of the road. Have you ever wondered why this happens. Along with this, there is also a straight yellow line on the side of the roads, today in this article we will tell you about that too. We will also tell you what is the difference between a straight yellow line and two yellow lines and what would it mean if the yellow line is made in pieces. what…

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What Is The Reason Behind The Hole In The Plastic Stool Here Is The Answer

Reason For Hole In Stool: There are many such things around us which have been made for our convenience. These things are designed in such a way that they make our problems easy. But our attention never goes to their texture. Now take the stool itself, there is a hole in the middle of the stool. You must have noticed the hole made in the stool many times but have never tried to know why this hole occurs at all? Many people think that it is made to lift the…

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Why is the sandal on your feet called ‘Hawai Chappal’? Know the interesting story behind it

Hawai slippers must have been worn by everyone. This rubber sandal is found in every house in India. Even when the meme of flying chappals goes viral on social media, even then only the photo of hawai chappals is used in it. But have you ever wondered why this rubber slipper was named Hawai Chappal, why people call it Hawai Chappal. Today, in this article, we will answer all the questions related to Hawai Chappal and tell an interesting story related to its name. Why called Hawai Chappal The answer…

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In these countries there is ‘toilet law’, where there is jail for not flushing, and somewhere there is a ban on flushing after 10 o’clock.

Law is needed in any country to run the systems smoothly. However, there are some laws in many countries that you are surprised to hear about. Today we will tell you about some such strange laws related to toilet, after listening to which you will be thinking that if it is implemented in India then what will happen to the people here. By the way, in true sense, if this law is implemented in India, then many people will either be paying fine or will be eating air of jail.…

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